Natural beauty of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has been with competence delineate as a brand new state in AN ancient land. abundant has been written regarding the past glory of Bangladesh, notably in previous records just like the proof of Pliny and Periplus of the Erythrean ocean (first century AD). it absolutely was drawn in Ptolemy's map. These indicate that from the earliest times Bangladesh was familiar to the West, significantly for its textile, the best material the globe has ever made. Travellers and students UN agency were attracted by the charms and fame of Bangladesh since past times had showered effusive epithets on its bounties and wealth, richness and prosperity, skill and cultural advancement.

They embody the Chinese travellers Fa-hien (fourth century AD), Hue-an-tsung (seventh century), Ma-hoen and Fei-shin (fifteenth century), Ibne Batuta (fourteenth century) from Africa, Nicola Kanti (fifteenth century) and Ceasar the Frederik (sixteenth century) from city, Verthema, AN Italian within the sixteenth century, Barbosa and Sebastin Manric (sixteenth century) from Portugal, Travernier and Bernier from France (seventeenth century) and Queen Elizabeth-the First's ambassador Ralf Fish.

To Ibne Batuta, Bangladesh was a 'hell choked with bounties and wealthiest and least expensive land of the globe.' therefore nice were the attractions of Bangladesh that to quote Bernier 'it contains a hundred gates open for entrance however not one for departure.' girls of Imperial Rome were virtually crazy for Bangladesh's textile and luxury things, that per Pliny, resulted in serious drain of gold of the Empire. as a result of its location, Bangladesh served as a flourishing entry port and treater in trade and commerce between South Asia and therefore the Far East. The region conjointly compete a seminal role in spreading its belief art and design within the wider world of Asia. Ancient Bangladesh took nice pride as a in demand seat of learning and education and students from distant countries often flocked to its various universities and monasteries.

Etymologically, the word Bangladesh comes from the cognate Vanga that was initial mentioned in Aitarey Aranyaka, a Hindu scripture composed between five hundred before Christ and five hundred AD. virtually it suggests that a soil. Muslim merchants of Arab origin accustomed refer it as Bangalah from that its gift word is believed to own bit by bit evolved.

Geological proof indicates that abundant of Bangladesh was fashioned one to six.5 million years agone throughout the tertiary era. Human habitation during this region, therefore, is probably going to be terribly previous with the proof of Palaeolithic civilization qualitative analysis back to regarding one,00,000 years.

Bangladesh has a section of 148,393 sq kilometre and occupies the apex of the arch fashioned by the Bay of geographical region into that all the rivers flowing through the country drain. Bangladesh has one amongst the foremost complicated watercourse systems within the world list regarding 230 with their tributaries having a complete length of regarding twenty four,140 km. The climate of Bangladesh is defined by warm temperature and high humidness, significant precipitation and marked seasonal variation. Daily temperature ranges from 10� C to 12� C within the cool months and within the alternative months it varies between 28� C and 40� C. Soil of Bangladesh is also divided into 3 main classes, specifically hill soils (Chittagong and Sylhet regions), terrace soils (Barind and Madhupur tracts) and sediment and flood plain soils.

Bangladesh contains bigger variety than that of the many countries taken along. so few countries within the world will match its made and varied flora and fauna that aren't solely aunique biological development however also are an excellent natural resources of the country.

Bangladeshis area unit traditionally descendants of assorted races and nationalities. AN Austro-Asian race initial populated this region followed by Dravidians and Aryans. There was conjointly AN flow of the Mongolians from Thibet and Mayanmar. The Arab Muslims started returning here within the early ninth century AD. Persians, Armenians, Turks, Afghans and last the Mughals came in fast succession.

As per the census of 1991 Bangladesh contains a population of 111.5 million with a median density of 755 individuals per sq. km. it's the second largest Muslim country. historically a land of communal harmony, followers of alternative religions get pleasure from full freedom of worship. The economy is especially rural. Recently there's a spurt in industrial enterprise with the utilization of country's out there natural resources and force. Trade and commerce area unit increasing and widening. Bangladesh may be a repository of made cultural heritage and tradition.

Long colonial exploitation has mostly bald Bangladesh of its past richness and wealth. Independence has, however, opened new vistas of prospects and opportunities. within the end, Bangladesh may be a land created splendid by natural grace - a veritable mosaic in inexperienced, abundant and boisterous, with its dedicated and inventive individuals adding color and ringing thereto.

The landscape of Bangladesh, as if, sounds like a magic tapestry in inexperienced woven  in an elaborate way naturally. Across the tropic of cancer it lies within the north-eastern a part of South Asia between latitudes 20� - 34' and 26� 38' north and longitudes 88� 01' and 92� 41' east. The country is enclosed by Bharat on the west, north and therefore the Northeast, Union of Burma on the Southeast and therefore the Bay of geographical region on the south. Strategically set Bangladesh is nearly a bridge between south and Southeast Asia. it's a dry land of one,48,393 sq. kilometre criss-crossed by a network of many major rivers, their various tributaries and canals forming a lace of interconnecting channels. In fact, Bangladesh is that the largest riverine delta within the world. The in depth watercourse systems area unit elementary to the country's economy and therefore the people's means of life. Its low flat sediment deltaic plains gift a fascinating aspect of large abundant inexperienced fields sweeping the horizon. Bangladesh has a number of the world's most fertile agricultural lands accounting for abounding growth of assorted crops. The north-eastern and south-eastern components of the country area unit dotted with little hills and ridges, their average elevations being 244m and 610m severally. the very best peak Keokradong within the south-east finish of Bandarban district 1230 meters on top of the ocean level. so with its varied topographic options Bangladesh sounds like a vivacious motif splashed with fascinating beauty and serenity.

Bangladeshis area unit basically easy in nature. Since past times they're noted for his or her courage and resilience furthermore as welcome and friendliness. Bangladeshis also are equally familiar for his or her creativeness. they need AN innate quality of open mindedness. Communal or ethnic feeling is alien to them and despite various racial combine from pre-historic days they're, by and huge, a homogeneous  cluster. the majority the individuals speak and perceive Bangla, a language that occupies AN exalted position as a result of the richness of its literature. usually speaking, fish, rice and lentils represent the most diet of the lots, the overwhelming majority of whom board the country's villages. A cotton lungyi and a jersey known as shirt area unit the common apparel for men in rural areas. The urban individuals have, however, mostly tailored to western costume. frock is women's universal dress, each within the cities and country.

Bangladeshi girls area unit historically idolised for his or her charm, beauty and magnificence. they're currently progressively adapting themselves to dynamical desires of time; operating shoulder to shoulder with the men-folk in fields, factories and offices. In fact, they will be found altogether professions and there's no exclusive male domain. Agriculture and its connected fields still give the most keep of the individuals. The increasing industrial and repair sectors at the side of trade and commerce provide increasing alternate occupations for the individuals.

There area unit a couple of million, largely Mongoloid origin, social group individuals, the bulk of whom board Hill Tracts districts. They zealously guard their customs, traditions and cultural heritage that area unit quite distinct from each other and, until up to now, mostly stay fresh. for his or her living, they in the main depend upon ancient cultivation known as jhum and bungalow craft during which they greatly stand out.

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