Google Pixel 2 XL 128GB was launched in Sept 2017 & runs on automaton eight.0 OS. The Smartphone is out there in 3 color choices i.e. Just Black, Black, White & features a in-built fingerprint sensing element because the primary security feature, in conjunction with the host of property choices in terms of 3G, 4G, GPS, Wifi, NFC Bluetooth capabilities. Priced at Rs. 66999 the phone is out there with 128GB of internal storage.
Google Pixel 2 XL Snapdragon 835 Processor. A four GB of RAM ensures phone runs swimmingly even the foremost memory intensive applications & still shows no signs of lag. 128GB of internal storage can't be swollen more.
The Phone comes with an oversized 3520 mAh battery to support it's vi in. screen with P-OLED electrical phenomenon touchscreen show having a resolution of 1440 x 2880 at 538 ppi. The screen is additionally protected by a sturdy Scratch Resistant glass.
Google Pixel 2 XL twelve 8GB comes with a 12.2 megapixel rear Camera and eight megapixel front Camera. It conjointly supports Face Detection and high dynamic range(HDR) imaging.
Google Pixel 2 XL 128GB worth In Asian country Starts From Rs. 34999 the most effective worth of Google constituent a pair of XL 128GB is Rs. 34999 in Amazon, that is 11th of September but the value of Google constituent a pair of XL 128GB in Amazon Rs.37990.This Mobile Phones is anticipated to be offered in 64GB,128GB variant